Monday, August 29, 2011

Stargazer Shoes

"He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name." (Psalm 147: 4)

Have you taken the time to look at a star filled sky lately? During our recent camping trip, I made time to be still and observe the beauty of the night sky. Late into the night I walked to the lake near our site and gazed at the declaration of God's glory. The view was absolutely breathtaking. There were no commercial or residential lights to wash away the brilliance on display. Stars upon stars filled the sky. The Milky Way stretched across the expanse, reflecting its beauty on the lake. As I stood there with my oldest son and his wife, a shooting star blazed across the sky, trailed by a stream of red and yellow light. The three of us stood still, amazed at the wonder of God's creation.

A few days later I read the above passage in the Book of Psalms. That night I went to the lake again. I reviewed the words in my mind over and over, trying to grasp the fact that God had named each of the stars that I could see as well as the millions I could not see. He knows their number, because He determined it! An overwhelming sense of the Majesty of the Lord filled my soul. The Providence of God  was on display and it brought encouragement. How can I be anxious when the God who made the stars has called me his child? Why should I worry when the One who filled the sky with beauty knows my name? I asked for the Lord of the Universe to forgive me for forgetting Who He is.

Are you struggling to make sense of where things are in your life right now? Put on some Stargazing Shoes and find a place that is removed from the lights of civilization. Take the time to listen to the declaration of the heavens: "God is glorious!"

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." (Psalm 19:1-4) 


Friday, August 12, 2011

Camping Shoes

"From there he (Abram)  went on towards the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent,with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east." (Genesis 12:8)    
It has been a few weeks since I have published a new post because I have been wearing camping shoes! Yes, camping. I'm talking about the hard-core-in-a-tent-on-the-ground camping. (No pop-ups!) What made the camping especially fun was that all of our children except one (she was out of the country) joined us in the camping experience. Above shows a delicious breakfast cooked by my daughter and her husband over an open fire. The pan is called a "lumberjack pan" due to its large size.  Breakfast tasted as good as it looked!

While we were sitting around the campfire, the question was posed, "Why go camping?" I began to think about an answer. I have been camping literally all my life. As a child, my brother and I would sleep in the car while my parents slept in a real double bed that was inside their old canvas army tent. As a  pastor's family in a small church setting, we had very little expendable income for a vacation. Both of my parents knew the importance of taking a vacation.....getting AWAY from home and church. Camping provided an inexpensive solution to the tension between desire for vacation and lack of income. This is the first reason for camping : it is affordable!

One of the delights of camping is the opportunity to observe other families interacting. As I walk up the hill to use the "facilities", I enjoy the sights. There are families that simply sit around the campfire and talk. Others may be seated at the picnic table for a meal. Fathers walk beside their little ones as they bike along the path. Some sit quietly and read while others play card games. Laughter fills the air along with the smell of campfires. It is an atmosphere of family togetherness. There are no rooms in which to escape from each other. No T.V. You must INTERACT. So, the second reason: it promotes family togetherness.

As my children have grown independent, another aspect of camping has become more apparent with each new adventure. I now have a bit more time to reflect and consider the beauty of where we have pitched our tent. The trees, the wildlife, the lake or stream, the flowers, the stars. All of these combine to display the hand of God, the Creator. Camping enables us to more clearly understand Romans 1 :20 :
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen , being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." 
It is very difficult to try and escape from God (why would you want to?) when camping. Instead, the opposite should happen. You move closer to him. The third reason: gaining a closer look at our Father's Creation.

Maybe you have thought of other reasons to camp. No doubt some of you have developed a long list of why camping is NOT a good thing. I will keep to the three noted above:

  • Camping is affordable - even on a pastor's salary
  • Camping promotes family togetherness
  • Camping draws you close to the Creator
Dear sisters, consider the benefits, find a tent, and pitch it!