Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wifely Shoes

The shoes in this picture belong to my dear oldest daughter and terrific son-in-law. When the picture was taken they were engaged and looking forward to their wedding day. My daughter was ready to wear wifely shoes, and now she does! I have been wearing the same shoes for almost 32 years. Sometimes I fit into them quite comfortably and other times they feel tight and constrictive.

Wifely shoes are not exclusive to PW's. They are worn by women of all ages, sizes, and convictions. Some wear them happily, some dutifully, others begrudgingly. Nevertheless, God's expectations for those who wear wifely shoes is steadfast.

This week I have been meditating on a specific expectation - the one recorded in Proverbs 31:11-12. Yes, PROVERBS 31. For some reason, Christian women are afraid of Proverbs 31. "It sets unrealistic goals", some say. Let's be real - the expectations set before us as followers of Jesus are very high! Every thought captive to Christ? (2 Corinthians 10:5) Wow. But back to Proverbs 31:11-12. The verses read:

"Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, and not harm, all the days of her life."

As I thought upon these verses, I asked myself, "Have I been bringing my husband good?" As a PW, I tried to place myself in my husband's place. Today, after over 25 years of faithful ministry in one church, he is now involved in the building up of a new body of believers. Such an undertaking has required a tremendous measure of humility. My husband is working other odd jobs to help supplement our income. This is a man with a seminary degree and years of experience. His attitude toward the odd jobs? Gratitude. His attitude toward his former place of ministry? Forgiveness.

Having tried to understand the way things are for my pastor-husband, I now ask myself, "What am I doing to make things good for my husband? Have I spoken words of encouragement? Have I enabled his work in the church to go more smoothly? Have I thanked him for his faithfulness? Have I thanked him for his hard work? Have I thanked him for anything?

Such thoughts have driven me to thank my Heavenly Father for such a man: my pastor-husband. What a privilege, what a blessing to wear my special wifely shoes - the PW brand!


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