Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Shoes

 Easter shoes. These words remind me of the yearly spring shopping trips made as a child to purchase new shoes for church. The shoes were always white until I began to experiment with colored shoes. (One year when I was in high school, I dyed my white shoes bright pink!) Along with the new shoes came a new dress and maybe even a new hat. Why all the new clothes?

The answer to this question may seem to be fairly simple: I had outgrown my old clothes. Maybe, but is that all? Perhaps there is more. Could it be that the wearing of fresh new spring clothes and bright new shoes is a statement of celebration? The new clothes announced,"This day is special!" They served as a visible reminder to me that Easter is definitely NOT a normal day. I believe that my dear parents chose to illustrate this eternal truth to me with new Easter apparel.

How does this impact the average PW? First, have you thought that maybe you can be a visible celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus? Have you considered wearing something extra special this week because it's Easter? Or is it going to be the usual? If you are a part of a very informal church, perhaps you could start a new tradition? Think about it.

Secondly, as a PW you may have had to confront a time of hurt and betrayal this year. Celebrate, JESUS IS ALIVE! You may have lost a close friend. Celebrate, JESUS IS ALIVE! There may have been unkind words about your pastor-husband. Celebrate, JESUS IS ALIVE! Your husband may have been slandered. Celebrate, JESUS IS ALIVE! And because Jesus is alive, we have become alive in Him. We have been clothed with Christ! (Galatians 3:27)

No matter the situation, this wonderful, amazing truth shakes the earth.....JESUS IS ALIVE! Everything else is overshadowed by the mighty POWER of the Resurrection.

"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!"(Luke 24:5)



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