Thursday, April 28, 2011

Resting Shoes

"Be at rest once more, o my soul, for the Lord has been good to you."(Psalm 116:7)

What are "resting shoes"? Are they available at the local department store? Can you find them on the clearance racks of a nearby shoe store? No. Resting shoes are offered freely, but rarely taken. They are available on a daily basis but usually ignored.

Instead, we plow ahead with our "I've got this" shoes and exhaust ourselves with the endless striving to accomplish what we think needs to be done. "Worry Shoes" are often a chosen alternative. Anxious lists of what may happen take the place of what has already happened.

And what has already happened? Our rest has been secured through Jesus Christ. He has secured our future rest by defeating death. Because of Jesus we rest on the hope of eternal life which God promised before the beginning of time (Titus 1:2). The rest presented to believers every day is built upon this future hope, but also upon the strength of who God is. He is the Creator of things seen and unseen. He is Loving. He is Merciful. He knows us by name. He knows the hairs on our heads!
This is why David can state in Psalm 62:1:
"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken."
Consider Psalm 91:1:
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."
Why do we find it so difficult to rest? Perhaps rest seems inactive and we want action...NOW. Perhaps it is a little scary. Perhaps we are in so much pain that we simply can't rest.

Dear Sisters, please know that my husband and I have endured some searing pain given at the hand of those who profess faith in Christ. At the very beginning of all that happened, God placed a beautiful hymn in my mind. It is a hymn that I had not thought of for many years. It became my daily song. God was telling me to REST. I do not know the author of the following words, but I encourage you to consider putting on the"resting shoes" that God offers.
"Jesus, I am resting, resting; in the joy of what Thou art. I am finding out the blessing of Thy loving Heart." 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Shoes

 Easter shoes. These words remind me of the yearly spring shopping trips made as a child to purchase new shoes for church. The shoes were always white until I began to experiment with colored shoes. (One year when I was in high school, I dyed my white shoes bright pink!) Along with the new shoes came a new dress and maybe even a new hat. Why all the new clothes?

The answer to this question may seem to be fairly simple: I had outgrown my old clothes. Maybe, but is that all? Perhaps there is more. Could it be that the wearing of fresh new spring clothes and bright new shoes is a statement of celebration? The new clothes announced,"This day is special!" They served as a visible reminder to me that Easter is definitely NOT a normal day. I believe that my dear parents chose to illustrate this eternal truth to me with new Easter apparel.

How does this impact the average PW? First, have you thought that maybe you can be a visible celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus? Have you considered wearing something extra special this week because it's Easter? Or is it going to be the usual? If you are a part of a very informal church, perhaps you could start a new tradition? Think about it.

Secondly, as a PW you may have had to confront a time of hurt and betrayal this year. Celebrate, JESUS IS ALIVE! You may have lost a close friend. Celebrate, JESUS IS ALIVE! There may have been unkind words about your pastor-husband. Celebrate, JESUS IS ALIVE! Your husband may have been slandered. Celebrate, JESUS IS ALIVE! And because Jesus is alive, we have become alive in Him. We have been clothed with Christ! (Galatians 3:27)

No matter the situation, this wonderful, amazing truth shakes the earth.....JESUS IS ALIVE! Everything else is overshadowed by the mighty POWER of the Resurrection.

"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!"(Luke 24:5)



Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wifely Shoes

The shoes in this picture belong to my dear oldest daughter and terrific son-in-law. When the picture was taken they were engaged and looking forward to their wedding day. My daughter was ready to wear wifely shoes, and now she does! I have been wearing the same shoes for almost 32 years. Sometimes I fit into them quite comfortably and other times they feel tight and constrictive.

Wifely shoes are not exclusive to PW's. They are worn by women of all ages, sizes, and convictions. Some wear them happily, some dutifully, others begrudgingly. Nevertheless, God's expectations for those who wear wifely shoes is steadfast.

This week I have been meditating on a specific expectation - the one recorded in Proverbs 31:11-12. Yes, PROVERBS 31. For some reason, Christian women are afraid of Proverbs 31. "It sets unrealistic goals", some say. Let's be real - the expectations set before us as followers of Jesus are very high! Every thought captive to Christ? (2 Corinthians 10:5) Wow. But back to Proverbs 31:11-12. The verses read:

"Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, and not harm, all the days of her life."

As I thought upon these verses, I asked myself, "Have I been bringing my husband good?" As a PW, I tried to place myself in my husband's place. Today, after over 25 years of faithful ministry in one church, he is now involved in the building up of a new body of believers. Such an undertaking has required a tremendous measure of humility. My husband is working other odd jobs to help supplement our income. This is a man with a seminary degree and years of experience. His attitude toward the odd jobs? Gratitude. His attitude toward his former place of ministry? Forgiveness.

Having tried to understand the way things are for my pastor-husband, I now ask myself, "What am I doing to make things good for my husband? Have I spoken words of encouragement? Have I enabled his work in the church to go more smoothly? Have I thanked him for his faithfulness? Have I thanked him for his hard work? Have I thanked him for anything?

Such thoughts have driven me to thank my Heavenly Father for such a man: my pastor-husband. What a privilege, what a blessing to wear my special wifely shoes - the PW brand!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Loving Shoes

"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers."(1 John 3:16)
The standard has been set and it is high. We are to love. What exactly does that mean? Is it some warm squishy feeling that we need to feel for our brothers and sisters in Christ? No, it is something much deeper. It is not a feeling. Love actively seeks to serve a sister or brother. Love does not hide beneath perceived injury or individual rights. Love does not demand that a sister or brother behave in a certain manner. In fact, true love makes no demands. 

Earlier this week I came face-to-face with the lack of love within the church - again. A small request was made of our former place of ministry. Could they help? Answer: NO. Where is the kindness? Where is the desire to help one another? Where is the understanding of the church universal? Where is the love? How can we impact the world for Christ when we cannot even demonstrate love for our sisters and brothers?

Enough finger pointing. I need to examine my own heart! Am I living a life of love? When given the opportunity to interact with those who have brought great pain into the life of my family, am I prepared to act in love? This is a test I have yet to face. Am I ready? I don't know, but I cling to the words of 
1 John 4:19 : "We love because he first loved us." It is not for me to say to my brother or sister,"You love first, then I will love you." I love because I have been loved. Love has been lavished  upon me! 

This week, make the choice to wear loving shoes.
"Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love on another."(1John 4:11)