Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pro-Life Shoes

 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." (Proverbs 31:8)
According to statistics from the National Right to Life website:

  • 1 every 26 seconds
  • 137 every hour
  • 3,304 every day
  • 23,196 every week
  • 100, 516 every month
  • 1,206,192 every year ......
Since 1973: 54,559,615 BABIES have been violently killed in their mothers' wombs.

Do these facts matter to you? As followers of Christ we are to be "salt and light"in a world of darkness. Are we doing all that we can to speak up for these little ones who clearly cannot speak for themselves? Are we working to preserve life?

Tomorrow is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. How is your church marking this day? A short video? A skit? A bulletin insert? Nothing? If nothing is being done, perhaps you can make it a goal to begin exploring the many options available to you to in the coming year so that you will be prepared for next year. 

In the meantime, here are some of the many choices available to you right now:

1. Join/Volunteer/Support the work of a Crisis Pregnancy Center near you; encourage your church to become involved.

2. Teach sexual purity and abstinence before marriage to your own children as well as to middle school and high school students. These are taught not because it's "good for them"but because God expects them to "'Be holy, because I am holy.'"(1 Peter 1:16) Purity and abstinence are to be pursued out of a desire to honor our Saviour.

3. Begin to establish a mindset of sexual purity in younger children by addressing issues of modesty and media discernment. What are they wearing? Why? What are they watching? To what are they listening? (See Philippians 4:8!)

4.Volunteer to counsel/support a woman who has had an abortion and may be struggling with Post Abortion Stress Syndrome. (Again, according to information provided on the National Right to Life website, women who have had abortions are 8 times more likely to seek psychological help.)

5. Step out and participate in the March for Life in Washington, DC this coming Friday, January 25. A rally begins at 12:00 on the Mall and then the march begins at 1:30. This comprises a peaceful, prayerful walk along Constitution Ave to the Supreme Court building. It's not too late to make plans to participate!

The photograph above is a baby who has been in the womb for four months. According to an abortion center in Orlando,FL, 3.5% of their abortions are performed on babies that look like the above picture.

Are you ready sisters? Are you ready to speak up? We have a message of hope. We have a message of love. We have a message of LIFE.

Need further inspiration? Watch the video below! - Find out more about the march!


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