Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Storytime Shoes

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up..." (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Once upon a time there was a beautiful young princess who was part of a large community of faith. Her father was a leader in that community. As the princess grew, she also grew to love this community, just as her father did. Eventually she became of age and went to a school in a faraway land. While at the school, the beautiful princess further developed her God-given musical abilities. She received thorough training in the use of her voice, how to play the piano, how to direct a choral group, as well as how to study the Bible. As a part of a select choral group from the school, the princess traveled throughout her country and in faraway lands. In her last year of schooling, she worked at a very large community of faith, assisting those in leadership with her musical gifts.

During her years at school, the princess dreamed of returning to her home community to share all that she had learned. Finally, the day arrived for her to graduate. She was ready to begin a new chapter in her life. What excitement

The beautiful princess had a love for children and for teaching them a love of music. She decided to begin a children's choir so that the little princes and princesses could learn about music while also learning how to bring musical praise to the Creator. Imagine her surprise when there appeared to be one roadblock after another to starting a choir. The suggested meeting time was not right. The music was too difficult. Limitations were placed on when and how many times the children could sing in a given year. Eventually, after much hard work, the princess began the children's choir. The children were enraptured! They loved the princess and worked very hard to sing up to her expectations.

The day of the first performance came and a sound check was required before the worship service began. The one in charge of the sound asked that the children be there at a specific time, which they were. Unfortunately, the children were made to wait while others went before them. The one in charge of the sound also spoke to the princess with unkindness and disdain, including the familiar "rolling of the eyes". Nevertheless, the princess persevered and the children performed. The community loved the  singing....especially the children's parents! Thus began almost three years of a children's choir.
During these years, the children grew to love music and learned much about how to sing. Even though the community agreed to purchase music, there was always an undertone of disapproval by some of the leadership. This disapproval brought a heavy weariness to the princess.

One day, the princess received a letter from a handsome prince. The two began to write letters to each other. Before long, they were married and moved to a faraway land. In their new land, the handsome prince and beautiful princess found a new community of faith. The community eagerly embraced the two and encouraged the princess to use her musical gifts to encourage the community. The weight of weariness was removed. She was free to use all that God had given her to use. (1 Peter 4:10)

Dear sisters, this is a fairy tale that is too often replayed in churches everywhere. A young person leaves for school and returns with enthusiasm and a desire to share but instead is met with road blocks. How wrong! Where is the encouragement? Where is the building up of our sisters and brothers? As a PW, I encourage you to be on the lookout for young people who desire to share their gifts. Find a place for them to serve, and encourage them in their service. It does not have to be a large task at first, but give them an opportunity. Do not despise their youth.

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