Friday, July 1, 2011

Freedom Shoes

"To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you really are my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'" (John 8:31-32)

Freedom. Such a beautiful word, a word heavy with meaning. This weekend those in the United States celebrate the freedom and independence of their country. It is freedom that has been bought at the price of many lives. Because of the price, this freedom is precious. It is worthy of great celebration! I am grateful to live in this nation of freedom.

For a follower of Jesus Christ, the concept of freedom is regarded on a different level than just an outward freedom. A Christian's freedom includes the whole person. As a result, a believer living in an oppressive country, imprisoned for their faith can speak of their freedom. Their spirit is always free. As a follower of Jesus we are freed from the law of sin and death. We are called to be free to serve one another ( Galatians 5:13). We are free to no longer sin.

Freedom in Christ grants us the ability to become who God made us to be. We are given gifts to freely use for "faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." (1 Peter 4:10) This is especially true within the church. If you are a PW, this includes you too! Do not be intimidated if your gifts are not the typical "pastor's wife job description". Don't play the piano? No worries. Never worked with children? No problem. Not sure what "women's ministries" means? Relax. Be who God designed you to be, and do it with gusto.

When I married my husband, my mother (also a PW), said to me, "You are better prepared than I was..." She was referring to the issue of understanding the role of a PW. Maybe I was. However, what my first generation Christian mother demonstrated to me was the principle described above: BE YOURSELF.
In every church that my father served, I watched my mother interact with others in her very own unique way. She had no preconceived ideas about the role of a PW because she did not grow up in the church. My mother relished her freedom in Christ and used her special skills to serve the church.

Sisters, celebrate your freedom! It is precious and of high value, being paid for with the blood of the Son of God. It is worthy of celebration. Let go of conforming to the expectations of others. Seek instead to conform to the image of Christ. Serve Him with passion. Serve Him with joy. Serve Him in FREEDOM.

" So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36)

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