"The woman who derives her principles from the Bible, and her amusements from intellectual sources, from the beauties of nature, and from active employment and exercise, will not pant for beholders. She is no clamorous beggar for the extorted alms of admiration. She lives on her own stock. She possesses the truest independence. She does not wait for the opinion of the world, to know if she is happy." (Hannah More)
A few months ago I read the biography of a woman named Hannah More. The title of the biography was Fierce Convictions by Karen Swallow Prior. It is an inspirational story of a Christian woman who was born in England in 1745 and lived until 1833. How she lived her life testifies to the impact possible through one wholly committed follower of Jesus. The fact that she was also a woman makes her achievements even more noteworthy in light of the time in which she lived.
At the young age of just 3 or 4, Hannah began to read. She composed a complete poem at age 4. Unlike most women during the eighteenth century, Hannah was well educated and ran a school for girls. "She sought to advance female education in order to fulfill women as women, not to make them men." (K.S. Prior)
Understanding multiple languages, including Latin and French, Hannah published many works of poetry as well as theatrical works. She was well known in London and interacted with a variety of wealthy and influential people, including William Wilberforce. Hannah became quite prosperous as a result of the sale of her writings.She eventually left London to pursue her Christian faith in a deeper way. This faith was greatly influenced by the book Cardiphonia, written by John Newton.
Hannah's faith drove her to confront important issues of the day: the slave trade, illiteracy among the poor, thereby preventing them from reading the Bible, the need to advance Christianity both in England and abroad, labor conditions, a woman's role in society, and even the mistreatment of animals. Her efforts in all these areas came from this philosophy:
" ' Bible Christianity is what I love.....a Christianity practical and pure, which teaches holiness, humility, repentance, and faith in Christ; and which after summing up all Evangelical graces, declares that the greatest of these is charity.'" (as quoted on pg 155 by K.S. Prior)More not only confronted these issues but was instrumental in producing positive changes in all of these areas, including the abolition of the slave trade in England.
So, sisters, my question to you is simple: Do you have a faith that is fierce? Are you passionate about your relationship with Jesus? Just as in Hannah More's time, we have serious cultural issues that need to be addressed:
- Abortion - Do you believe that it is wrong to take the life of a baby within its mother's womb?
- Marriage - Do you believe that marriage is a God ordained union between a man and woman,representing the relationship of Christ and His church?
- Sexuality - Do you believe that sex has been created and designed by God to take place ONLY within the marriage relationship?
- Biblical Illiteracy- Do you believe that the Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path?
- Prayer - Do you believe that we should be praying without ceasing?
- Jesus - Do you believe Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life with NO ONE coming to God except through Him?
Dear Sisters, if you do believe these things it is time to put on your fierce shoes! Be fearless, be strong, be courageous. Fight for Truth, Speak for those who cannot speak. Use the gifts that God has given to you, whatever they may be, to bring Life and Light to a culture that loves Death and Darkness. Be fierce for Christ, like Hannah More.
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal." (Hannah More)