"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 'Honor your father and mother ' - which is the first commandment with a promise - 'that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.'" (Ephesians 6:1-3)Every female, no matter what their age, is a daughter. So, all daughters wear daughter shoes. It is part of who we are. Some wear them joyfully, others do not. Many daughters have cruel, unloving fathers. Some have fathers who are cold and uncaring. Others have fathers who are kind and loving. I was blessed to be in this last group.
My father was easy to honor. If one word were used to describe him, it would be "LOVE". He was the embodiment of love. Love was demonstrated through how he lived his life, his interaction with others, his family, his wife, and with his Savior, Jesus Christ. His approach to life was to laugh and enjoy it. He took the Proverb that a merry heart is good medicine and ran with it! His merry heart enabled my father to laugh at himself and enabled others to laugh as well. Rare is the person who would leave my father's presence without a lighter heart.
As a child I thought my Dad was the most wonderful man in the world. When I was sick, he would lay his hand on my forehead and pray for me. When I needed a hug, he was always ready to oblige. As I matured, he was there to edit my papers, help me with Algebra, and transport me to where I needed to go. All of my father's behavior and words modeled the love of Christ to me. When I was in eighth grade, it was very natural to pray with my father to become a follower of Jesus.
My image of my father never changed throughout his entire life. His was a life without duplicity - what others saw away from home was what I saw in the home. He loved me, and I knew it. Even when he was old and frail, my father would always greet me, "My darling daughter..." His eyes would light up and he would reach from his wheelchair to give me a hug.
This precious earthly father went home to be with my Heavenly Father on September 12, 2010. He was a faithful son. It is a joy to know that I will see him again!
For some of you, the task of giving honor to your earthly father seems impossible. Whatever the reason for this, please be reminded of one thing: you have a Heavenly Father who loves you. He is not capricious. He has adopted you as his daughter and you are a co-heir with Christ! Your Heavenly Father has asked that you give honor to your earthly father. If you struggle with that, remember that as you honor your earthly father you give honor to your Heavenly Father. And He is worthy of honor.
Maybe you have not seen your father for years and do not desire to do so. Pray for him. Send him a card. No response? Keep praying. Keep sending the cards. If your father responds with unkind words, respond with words of kindness. Continue to pray. Be a daughter who works to honor her Heavenly Father.
"'I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters,' says the Lord Almighty." (2 Corinthians 6:18)